Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How I Became A Pirate--Angela McKenzie

How I Became A Pirate
I chose to review this book because I actually considered using it with a class a while back. The book is about a boy who goes to the beach and meets a group of pirates while he is there. The pirates invite him to go along on an adventure to bury their treasure.
I like this book because it is just a fun read. It's very relate-able for children because it talks about all kinds of things that kids do in everyday life. It also talks about all the things kids wish they did not have to do like brush their teeth or eat their carrots. On top of that it lets kids use their imagination as they learn all about how to be a pirate. I don't know how much learning a child would get from just reading the book but an adult could definitely guide their learning by talking about the scenarios in the book. For example, the adult could talk about why we have to eat our carrots and brush our teeth. So overall I think it is a great book to introduce to children just for fun and to get them reading and using their imagination but probably not a lot of real learning going on from this book so I probably wouldn't try to make this into a unit but possibly use it as part of unit or theme. I also think the pirate theme would be useful as part of a unit to draw in boys' attention.

Long, Melinda, and David Shannon. How I became a pirate . San Diego: Harcourt, 2003. Print.

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