Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pirates Don't Change Diapers--Angela McKenzie

Pirates Don't Change Diapers
I chose to read Pirates Don't Change Diapers because I really enjoyed the book How I became a Pirate. I must say I was disappointed in this book. It was funny and fun but it was not as exciting as the first book at all. I think children would enjoy reading the book if hey had already read the first book. I say this because the first book really introduces the pirates and tells how Jeremy meets the pirates and becomes one. Without the background I do don't think the story would be as fun to read. It's all about a kid whose mother leaves him home to babysit his sister. While he is babysitting his pirate friends show up to look for their treasure. However, they end up waking up the baby. This means that the pirates have to help babysit before they can find the treasure. Through the book the boy is teaching the pirates how to babysit. They use a lot of play on words to add humor. Like when the pirates think that babysitting means sitting on a baby. I did really like this aspect of the book because it would be great to teach kids about how words can have different meanings. However, there really was not a suspenseful adventure throughout the story like there was in the first book.

Long, Melinda, and David Shannon. Pirates don't change diapers . Orlando, Fla.: Harcourt, 2007. Print.

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